You need to extract the day/month/year/hour/minute/second (DMYHMS), day of the week/year, week number, or quarter from a date/time object.
DatePart() accepts two parameters, the datepart you want to extract, and the date you want to extract the date part from:
<cfset thedate = createdatetime(2002, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59)>
#DateFormat(TheDate, 'dddd mmmm dd, yyyy')# #TimeFormat(TheDate, 'hh:mm:ss tt')#
<b>Second:</b> #DatePart('s', TheDate)#<br>
<b>Minute:</b> #DatePart('n', TheDate)#<br>
<b>Hour:</b> #DatePart('h', TheDate)#<br>
<b>Week:</b> #DatePart('ww', TheDate)#<br>
<b>Day:</b> #DatePart('d', TheDate)#<br>
<b>Day of week:</b> #DatePart('w', TheDate)#<br>
<b>Day of year:</b> #DatePart('y', TheDate)#<br>
<b>Month:</b> #DatePart('m', TheDate)#<br>
<b>Quarter:</b> #DatePart('q', TheDate)#<br>
<b>Year:</b> #DatePart('yyyy', TheDate)#
Running the code produces this output:
Tuesday December 31, 2002 11:59:59 PM
Second: 59
Minute: 59
Hour: 23
Week: 53
Day: 31
Day of week: 3
Day of year: 365
Month: 12
Quarter: 4
Year: 2002
ColdFusion also has a separate function that corresponds to each date part available in the DatePart() function. These functions are often used in lieu of DatePart() as they offer "shorthand" syntax for extracting a date part.
<cfset thedate = createdatetime(2002, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59)>
#DateFormat(TheDate, 'dddd mmmm dd, yyyy')# #TimeFormat(TheDate, 'hh:mm:ss tt')#
Second: #Second(TheDate)#<br>
Minute: #Minute(TheDate)#<br>
Hour: #Hour(TheDate)#<br>
Day: #Day(TheDate)#<br>
Day of week: #DayOfWeek(TheDate)#<br>
Day of year: #DayOfYear(TheDate)#<br>
Week: #Week(TheDate)#<br>
Month: #Month(TheDate)#<br>
Quarter: #Quarter(TheDate)#<br>
Year: #Year(TheDate)#<br>
Running this code produces the exact same output as the DatePart() example.
You can get the string representation for the day of week, and month parts of a date object by using the DayOfWeekAsString() and MonthAsString() respectively.
<cfset thedate = createdatetime(2002, 12, 31, 19, 30, 55)>
This returns:
This question was written by Rob Brooks-Bilson
It was last updated on January 6, 2006.