How do I programmatically create a new datasource?

The short answer is to use the Coldfusion Administrator API.

The following is taken directly from the ColdFusion documentation:

You can perform most ColdFusion MX Administrator tasks programmatically using the Administrator API. The Administrator API consists of a set of ColdFusion components (CFCs) that contain methods you call to perform Administrator tasks. For example, you use the setMSQL method of datasource.cfc to add a SQL Server data source.

   // Login is always required. This example uses a single line of code.
   // Instantiate the data source object.
   myObj = createObject("component","cfide.adminapi.datasource");
   // Required arguments for a data source.
   stDSN = structNew();
   stDSN.driver = "MSSQLServer";"northwind_MSSQL"; = "";
   stDSN.port = "1433";
   stDSN.database = "northwind";
   stDSN.username = "sa";
   // Optional and advanced arguments.
   stDSN.login_timeout = "29";
   stDSN.timeout = "23";
   stDSN.interval = 6;
   stDSN.buffer = "64000";
   stDSN.blob_buffer = "64000";
   stDSN.setStringParameterAsUnicode = "false";
   stDSN.description = "Northwind SQL Server";
   stDSN.pooling = true;
   stDSN.maxpooledstatements = 999;
   stDSN.enableMaxConnections = "true";
   stDSN.maxConnections = "299";
   stDSN.enable_clob = true;
   stDSN.enable_blob = true;
   stDSN.disable = false;
   stDSN.storedProc = true;
   stDSN.alter = false;
   stDSN.grant = true; = true;
   stDSN.update = true;
   stDSN.create = true;
   stDSN.delete = true;
   stDSN.drop = false;
   stDSN.revoke = false;
   //Create a DSN.

This question was written by Jeremy Petersen
It was last updated on February 15, 2007.


Database / SQL


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